A. The source of the revelation
B. The salutation
C. The voice and the vision
A. The message to Ephesus
B. The message to Smyrna
C. The message to Pergamum
D. The message to Thyatira
E. The message to Sardis
F. The message to Philadelphia
G. The message to Laodicea
A. The heavenly worshp
B. Prelude to the seven seals: the scroll opened and the lamb adored
C. The vision of the seven seals
The first seal: the white horse
The second seal: the red horse
The third seal: the black horse
The fourth seal: the pale horse
The fifth seal: the martyrs
The sixth seal: signs in the heavens
The sealing of God's servants
The white-robed tribulation saints
The seventh seal: making ready the seven trumpets
D. The seven trumpets
The first trumpet: hail, fire, and blood
The second trumpet: the sea becomes blood
The third trumpet: the falling star
The fourth trumpet: the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars
The fifth trumpet: the opening of the bottomless pit
The sixth trumpet: the four angels released
The second interlude
John eats the scroll
The two witnesses
The seventh trumpet: the consumation
E. The seven mystic figures
The woman with child
The dragon
The male child
The angel Michael
The beast from the sea
The beast from the earth
The Lamb on Mount Zion
Interlude: the angelic messages
F. The seven bowls of wrath
Preliminary vision in heaven
The first bowl: sores on men
The second bowl: the sea becomes like blood
The third bowl: rivers and fountains become blood
The fourth bowl: fierce heat of the sun
The fifth bowl: darkness
The sixth bowl: the foul spirits prepare for Armageddon
The seventh bowl: the earthquake
G. The judgment of Babylon
The great harlot
The mystery of the harlot and the beast explained
The doom of Babylon announced
The call to come out of Babylon
The lament of the world over Babylon
Heaven's rejoicing over Babylon's fall
Babylon's doom symbolically portrayed
Praise to God for judgment: the marriage supper of the Lamb
H. The defeat of the beast and the false prophet
J. The millennial reign of Christ
L. The great white throne judgment
M. The new heaven and the new earth
N. The new Jerusalem
The city
The city's measurements
The city's light
The city's blessings