9:21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.
and they DID NOT REPENT of their
It is no coicidence that we return to one of the major themes of the Bible here as the sixth trumpet is sounded. This short list of four acts pretty much sums up what we see in the news day after day. The difference here is that the earth has seen a plague wipe out over a billion people and STILL people will not repent. Their hearts are hardened like Pharoah's in Moses' time (Exodus 7 - 11:10). Remember, though, that God is permitting this as Romans 1:24-32 says. This hardness is a result of excluding God, Ephesians 4:17-24. God exposes this list of sins (John 3:20) and the people remaining don't like the exposure but are hardened so much as to not repent.
Ever since the rider of the red horse took peace from the earth (Revelation 6:4 - 2nd seal), man wants to murder each other. Respect for life is gone.
This is the root word for drugs. Drug use will run rampant. Even the world's merchants will think nothing of drug trafficking. And Revelation 18:23 points out that all nations will be deceived.
Sex will be a commodity to be exchanged for drugs, "power", and just plain pleasure. It follows from the plagues and STILL does not stop.
To feed the drug habits, thieves will be hard at work. Possibly the worst theft of all is the one where Satan steals the soul (Revelation 18:3). Occults are trading in this commodity already ... what will it be like during the 6th trumpet????
Those of us who are believers know that we have One who will repay (Hebrews 10:30); it still requires REPENTENCE.