9:2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.
And he opened the BOTTOMLESS PIT [ABYSS]; and
The one who was given the key in the previous verse opens the PIT.
SMOKE went up out of the PIT, like the smoke of a great furnace; and
Smoke is an indication of wrath and anger, Psalm 18:7-8-15.
If hell is at the center of the earth, as some commentators believe, then there really is no bottom but only up. The entities in the PIT are angry for being bound there. Recall that the curse of sin is upon the earth, ALL OF IT!
The PIT is where the beast arises: Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 17:8. It is the place of certain demons, Luke 8:31 and the realm of the dead, Romans 10:7.
the SUN and the AIR were DARKENED by the SMOKE of the PIT.
So opening the PIT, darkens the SUN. Literally, the sun is our source for energy to allow life to exist. The whole life cycle is dependent of the sun. So darkening the sun affects life directly. So, too, in the spiritual realm, smoke obscures the SON except for that mixed with MUCH INCENSE, Revelation 8:3-4.
An aside note: Those who believe that global warming is caused by burning material or the smoke thereof should be unhappy that the climate will get warmer. However, the reader should see the alternate consequence of smoke from the PIT. The smoke in this verse is spiritual in nature. The reader can explain why that is so.