9:18 A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone, which proceeded out of their mouths.
A THIRD of MANKIND was KILLED by these three plagues,
If the present world population (2023) is around 8 billion, then with 1/4 of the population being killed by the fourth horseman of Apocalypse (Revelation 6:8), that would leave about 6 billion for this trumpet. A third of the remaining population would then be around 2 billion people in 13 months (verse 15). This computes to a 10 people (mankind) per horse (200,000,000 in verse 16) kill ratio. If the average family size is 4 people, This may imply that 2 or 3 average family size is attacked by one horseman (demon). It is not a mere coincidence that societal globalization is crumbling family values. This trumpet is being sounded right now!
The use of the term MANKIND implies that this is worldwide and not limited to Israel or the near East. What makes this such a contrast is that this KILLING trumpet follows on the heels of the "NO DEATHS" trumpet (verse 5). This may be a partial fulfillment of Jeremiah 25:30-38.
It is interesting how "plagues" is used to denote fire, smoke, and brimstone.
which proceeded out of their mouths.
Maybe these demons or demon-possessed people are "sweet talkers". Most killer diseases are through talking someone else into participating, e.g. AIDS, smoking (mouth use), improper eating, etc. A person could consider that the mouth convinces to commit a visible act (fire), a covert act (smoke), or terrorist act (brimstone). All will be used to KILL.