6:7 And when He broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come."
And when He broke the fourth seal,
As each of these seals are broken, more of the righteous judgment of God is revealed. This is what Paul was refering to in Romans 2:5. That the seals must be broken, there is no question. God is totally HOLY and RIGHTEOUS. Anything UNHOLY must be purged. The breaking of the fourth seal is part of the purging process.
I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come."
If the fourth living creature is the same as the fourth living creature described in Revelation 4:7, then this judgment will be brought about swiftly as an eagle swoops down and brings quick death to its prey. However, there may be some mercy in this, in that, death probably is preferred over lingering in war and famine.