17:3And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns.
And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness;
John knows this feeling of being in the Spirit (Revelation 4:2). In this state, John is protected from the ravages of the wilderness (symbolically, Satan's imitation religious system). This wilderness is an antichrist developed place (Daniel 9:24-27).
and I saw a WOMAN
This is not a rising feminist leader but rather she is used to accentuate the sensual, enticing aspects of the false religious system. Just as in television commercials, this WOMAN is used during this tribulation to sell a product, antiChrist's world empire.
sitting on a SCARLET BEAST,
The color of the beast is not mentioned in Revelation 13:1; however, Revelation 12:3 describes a red dragon using the same characteristics. Recall the dragon was the devil. Thus this WOMAN is being transported about the earth to do her sales job by the devil. The scarlet color just reinforces that many believers have shed their blood because they opposed this SCARLET BEAST.
Blasphemy, by definition, is against God and the TRUTH (Revelation 13:5-6). No need to expend energy running down something that is rotten and filthy already. These names are an attempt to disgrace God and to usurp His authority (on earth, at least).
Here we also see the devil's need for names. Without a name, it is difficult to receive accolades or to heap boastful kudos on devil workers. Compare this with our "Unknown-Name" Christ (Revelation 19:12).
Many scholars believe the seven heads are a revived Roman Empire. They use verse 9 to support their conclusion. However, this is a fairly limited viewpoint. From a symbolic view, this could be a way of saying seven major religions merge into one world religion (perhaps out of the need to survive). Or it could be interpreted as a succession of seven major religions. The former probably is more logical as this one world "church" would be supported by the political systems (10 of them - verse 12). It is left to the reader to determine the seven religions most likely to merge.