16:14for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.
for they are SPIRITS of DEMONS,
There is confusion who these SPIRITS of DEMONS are. Some believe they are the demonic form of the UNHOLY TRINITY, but the prideful ego of the devil and his cohorts probably would not put them in this performing position. They rather would direct some very talented demons who are
These spirits continue what the false prophet (earth beast) started in Revelation 13:13-14. Many present day believers, perhaps naively, say only God/Christ can perform SIGNS, but during the tribulation period, these SPIRITS will have that capability too. The deception goes on (Mark 13:14-22-23).
Apparently, all the leaders of the world are impressed by these signs. Collecting these "KINGS" implies a coalition of countries with combined political, economic, and military ties. However, previous seals, trumpets, and bowl judgments have so disfigured the earth that one wonders what is left to govern.
Nations gather to try to lift Jerusalem like a heavy stone (Zechariah 12:1-9 and Zechariah 14:13). This is only the gathering together of these nations (KINGS); the actual war takes place during the 7th bowl judgment (Revelation 19:19-21).
Note: This verse clearly indicates this is not only man against man but will also be demonic man against God. Demonic man has been deceived again because NO ONE wins against GOD, THE ALMIGHTY.