2:25 Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come.
Nevertheless what you have, HOLD FAST UNTIL I COME.
The 'you' refers to the three 'who's in the previous verse. Hanging on to your beliefs sometimes is all that you can do.
In this verse, we have the first explicit reference to Christ's second coming. 'Holding fast' is part of the 'watch and wait' we in the Church Age are going through.
Infiltration into the true church by a Jezebelian type of person is a common problem among churches today. Sometimes it is the pastor; sometimes a well respected elder or deacon. On a much larger scale, many "old time" scholars (Walter Scott, H.A. Ironsides, J.A. Seiss, A.C. Gaebelein, and James Gray) have believed Jezebel was equated with the papacy. More recent scholars, equate her to the entire imitation church Satan is setting up. This imitation church (recently called the 'New Age Movement') will be religious only and its adherents will be "Christians" in name only.
The command is still "YOU FOLLOW ME!" (John 21:20-23).