And from HIS mouth comes a SHARP SWORD, so that with it
Because it has been used repeatedly throughout Revelation (Revelation 1:16, Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:16, and Revelation 19:21), this imagery of a sharp sword coming from Jesus Christ's mouth is an important TRUTH for us to understand. I don't understand how just speaking the Word SMITES THE NATIONS. This is part of the awesomeness of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The spoken TRUTH (righteousness) (John 14:1-6-11) conquers LYING (evil) (1 John 2:18-22-29) every time.
Since the SHARP SWORD comes from HIS mouth, it is clear that we are talking about spiritual matters here. If they were physical, they probably could be taken care of by a physician. If they are spiritual, then the defeat of spiritual wrongdoing and evil can only be done by God's Word (Luke 4:1-12-13).
In this verse, we see three throwbacks to the Old Testament. To SMITE the NATIONS, sounds very much like Isaiah 11:1-5. However, since this is spiritual in nature, the phrase, THE NATIONS (plural), has the flavor of religious denominations who have played footsie with the harlot. The harlotry or prideful materialism has made it's way into many if not all religious denominations. Just as each political nation has its own cultural mix, various denominations have their own cultures. Hence, we find here that no religious denomination will be spared from the SWORD.
This is what was prophesied in Psalm 2:1-9-12.
It may have a broader meaning, in that, it may give a glimpse at how Christ will rule during the millennial period (Revelation 20:4-6). From a spiritual viewpoint, this indicates there is NO COMPROMISE with evil when Christ reigns. Yet evil, apparently, has not been completely suppressed, for after the millennial period, the devil is loosed for a short time to see whom he may deceive. He's able to convince many that evil still is glamorous and is the "good life" since as many as the sand on the seashore are enticed (Revelation 20:7-8-10). Sadly, this fits with Jesus' comment about even 'the elect' may be deceived during the tribulation (Mark 13:14-22-23).
This is what was prophesied in Isaiah 63:1-6.
This is a visual interpretation of evil being squeezed from the earth and, in particular, from the various religious denominations. We live with evil so close by everyday that it has become second nature to us. So much so that we can't even discern evil when we are confronted by it. This leads to the same state that the Laodicean church found/finds itself in (Revelation 3:14-22). It isn't a coincidence that the 'lukewarm' are spit out of His mouth .... it is the same process of the SWORD SMITING the NATIONS.
To indicate the overwhelming, overcoming power of God, both the WRATH of GOD and the highest name of GOD, the ALMIGHTY (Revelation 4:8 and Revelation 19:6), are commingled here in this verse. Every bit of EVIL will be squeezed out from the earth, and the earth will be returned to its original created form which God saw that it was VERY GOOD (Genesis 1:24-31). Interestingly, we could ask the question why restore the earth to its original form only to have it "pass away" (Revelation 21:1)?